Auto Accident & Injuries
IMAGINE…. one day you are driving home, minding your own business and out of nowhere BAM!!!! A car hits you!! You feel your whole body get tossed around and the adrenaline starts to kick in. Your mind is going in every direction as to what to do next. Soon after, your neck starts having severe pain, you realize your back is stiff, and the injuries from the accident are now setting in. Its time to call United Joint and Spine Center.
Unfortunately, this is the story we hear many times. Our bodies have a fight or flight that kicks in and our brain does not recognize pain until the adrenaline is reduced in the body. We always think “ Oh, the pain will go way”. This is far from the truth. As the Florida law stands regarding auto insurance, we have 14 days from the date of accident to seek medical care. After the 14 days, you are no longer entitled to your Personal injury benefits. United Joint and Spine center is here and will provide you the quality care you need during this difficult time.